L-Beatz Blogs!
- If you like my blogs? Don't be shy hit me upI
- Addictive Relationships-always giving never satisf...
- How do you get over being the Rebound?
- Carmen Electra put me on Bed Rest! -UPDATE-
- My new blog page- L-Beatz Favorites! INFO
- various songs/lyrics describe my pain of an ex...
- I was her Rebound-Definition to prove it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If you like my blogs? Don't be shy hit me upI
I mean it as "my readers" as the regulars.. who hit me up every time I post something.. I don't know what to call it?
I was posting on myspace that I had a couple of new blogs up.. and I got a couple messages randomly how they read all my blogs, always check out whatever I put and have helped them in some way?
But what I have gotten for a while now is that they think I wouldn't write them back? or I'm to "busy" or even the ones who had balls to say "your to good to write back but I like your writing"
How can I be to good to write back if this person never hit me up in the first place?
It's that stereo type shit I dont like.. If you read all my blogs I hope you would get the sense I'm friendly and I'm not on some -to cool to talk to you- shit. Hell Naw.
I've sayed before I can't help who doesn't like me or what they think of me.. It's not my problem. It's their fantasy.. illusion they have that I'm stuck up or to good to answer back.. Sounds like a personal problem homey lol.
I think people are to busy to write back to me.. I don't put myself on some fucken pedestal.. I sit on a chair like everyone else...
So if you read my blogs, have any suggestions, comments, questions.. feel free to call 1-800
Just kidding =)
seriously though if you have a topic you want me to write about? or if you need advice on anything? hit me up!
I feel like writing alot.. since I'm on bed rest.. thats all I can really do unless My Novelas are on!
you can hit me up on myspace anytime.. I do check my messages all the time .. it may take me a minute or a day but I do reply to all! just like I'm sure you do the same!
or you can email me if you don't have a myspace.. (what is wrong with you!) lol jk
Addictive Relationships-always giving never satisfied!
This completely opened my eyes. described what I was going through to the T!
Addictive Relationships
Always Giving and Never Feeling Satisfied
The basis for a healthy relationship with another must start with a healthy relationship with yourself.
Relationship Don't Work.... | |
when you don't know whether to continue a relationship. | |
when you know you should let go and don't. | |
when you ask yourself, "What's making me stay." | |
when you feel your hopes might be unrealistic. | |
when you believe you can't live without that person. | |
when you think you will never find somebody else again. | |
when you feel this he/she will be the only "real" friend you will ever have. |
Addictive Love is An Intense or Exaggerated Reaction (to) Involvement (with) Expectations (of) Another That Results in Inadequate Attention Concern Care for Yourself.
Addictive Relationship (definition) The relationship addict feels a sense of incompleteness, emptiness, despair, and sadness that he or she seeks to remedy by connecting with another. The relationship is viewed as a means of meeting one's needs for love, attention, and security rather than as a shared experience. The addictive relationship becomes an arena for trying to resolve unfinished business from the past. Addictive relationships are characterized by a simultaneous excess and lack of love; an over abundance of love to obsessive attention is bestowed upon someone else while an inadequate amount is given to self. You think and daydream about your partner or friend much too often; you give excessively of your time, energy, and hopes. All healthy boundaries disappear in terms of what you are willing to do or to give up to maintain the relationship. Ultimately, the self is abandoned in favor of someone else:
The Self
The Other is emotionally over-available is emotionally unavailable focuses on the other focuses on self gives encouragement, support, money, time, and so on has desires and needs met gives more than 50 percent gives less than 50 percent gives up or losses power gains power validates the other is validated tolerates inappropriate behavior often engages in appropriate behavior attaches or becomes enmeshed with the other detaches or moves away
Relationship Addictive Responses Overreacting
Experience intense feelings of needing the other person. Experience intense feelings of needing the relationship. Experience intense feelings of infatuation. Experience feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. Are self-sacrificing and self-depriving. Express affection prematurely. Disclose your feelings prematurely. Blame yourself when conflict occurs. Are unable to endure separation.
Excessive Involvement
Are preoccupied with the other person and the relationship. Have limited or no social contact outside of the relationship. Have no interests outside of the relationship. Find that your life revolves around hearing from and seeing the other person. You notice that every act or event is connected to some aspect of your partner. You find that your life is out of balance.
Unrealistic Expectations
Focus only on the future and the outcome of the relationship. Expect the relationship to change your life-to make your life better or make you feel better about yourself. Attempt to change the other to fit your fantasy. Play roles, engage in ritualized activities, and "act out your fantasy."
Choosing to Change
Recovery from an addictive relationship requires bringing love and concern into balance-you must learn to develop a healthy regard for YOURSELF.
What are you in for when you decide to change? Exactly what does choosing to change mean?
Change is:
Taking a Risk. When you decide to change, your relationships will most certainly change as well; your relationships may also end. Your changed self may be distasteful to your friends and/or partner that it makes them decide to leave the relationship.
Facing the Unknown. You will not know what to expect when you decided to change the way you relate to others. Things will definitely be different, but you don't know how different. You don't know how you or others will respond. You will have to learn to trust that you will be able to handle whatever situations bring.
Change. You must learn how not to repeat the same old patterns that bring the same unsatisfactory results. You must do things and think about yourself differently.
Making things Happen. You must take responsibility for making good things happen in your relationships and life. You and only you can change the ways you respond within your relationships. You must be actively involved in creating the relationships you want.
Discovering your Personal Power. You will begin to feel a new sense of self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-respect. You will realize that you can handle your relationships and your life. You will discover that you don't have to accept crumbs, nor do you have to give 110 percent to make relationships work. In order to change you must:
Accept yourself, addiction, and all. -Confront the unhealthy aspects of your behavior.
Assume responsibility for your self-worth.
Steps to Change
Step 1: Determine why you are choosing to change.
Step 2: Choose to change.
Step 3: Decide what you would like to change.
Step 4: Start some aspect of the change process now.
Step 5: Evaluate your progress and reward yourself for taking steps toward change.
Fall in love with yourself and you will always have love.
You will never again have to fear being abandoned.
Self-validation involves accepting and approving of yourself. It is learning to do for the self what you have needed and expected from others to do for you. You will have to unlearn the many erroneous beliefs you have about yourself and relationships. It appears clear that learning to validate yourself can be a difficult and frustrating job. However, the benefits of feeling good about yourself and being able to have the types of relationships you desire will clearly out weigh the effort and struggles you may face.
The self-validation process contains three main steps that must be worked through if you are to experience true happiness with yourself and others:
Step 1: Accept yourself. Change can only happen if self-acceptance occurs which unlocks the doors to respecting and loving the self. It is important to remember that self- acceptance doesn't mean that you do not want make improvements-but rather that you accept the realities at any particular moment in time.
Step 2: Appreciate yourself. Discovering the uniqueness of you is essential to learning how to validate yourself. The goal is to uncover and praise what is positive.
Step 3: Act loving toward yourself. The final step in being self-validating involves acting in ways that reflect self-love. You actions should show respect, concern, and caring for your well being. In no time you will discover that treating yourself in a loving manner has become a part of you and is not simply an act.
As you continue to self-validate, a strange and wonderful thing will happen regarding how you feel and think about yourself. You will experience an increase in self-esteem, self- confidence, and self-reliance.
Creating a Balanced Life and Changing Unhealthy Expectations
If you are involved in an addictive relationship, your life is probably not in balance. You are probably giving most of your emotional, physical, and mental energies over to some else. To create a balanced life is to own your life. When you take responsibility for your life and happiness you always feel an increased feeling of self power. A balanced perspective on life is a prerequisite to enjoying a sense of wholeness as a complete person. There are several arenas of life that most people struggle with while attempting to create a balanced life; these life arenas include, but are no limited to, work (school), leisure, social, and personal. Creating a balanced life consists of four steps:
Step 1: Gain an awareness of your level of involvement in each arena of life.
Step 2: Choose to establish and maintain balance in your life. set goals for increasing or decreasing involvement in specific arenas.
Step 3: apply the principle of balance to your life arenas. Take steps to increase or decrease involvement in specific arenas.
Healthy relationships come from healthy expectations, while unhealthy relationships come from unhealthy expectations. If you are in an unhealthy relationship it may be very difficult for you to know what healthy expectations. The faulty belief system regarding yourself and relationships have helped you to develop distorted views of what is appropriate to expect or not expect in a relationship. A healthy relationship is reality based. You have realistic expectations of what the other can provide to you. You are only able to have healthy expectations about relationships when you have healthy expectations about yourself. Within a healthy relationship you can expect to:
Be accepted for who you are. -Grow and change. -Come to know yourself better. | |
Be respected, valued, and appreciated. -Maintain your individuality and sense of selfhood. | |
Share some common values. | |
Share some interests and expectations. Have your life enhanced by the presence of the other. |
Unhealthy expectations come from unmet needs of security, completeness, and validation. You will often experience chaos, insecurity, and unpredictability. During your childhood you may have, experience feeling helpless and powerless which made you feel that you need someone else to make you happy and whole. You subsequently expect your friends or partner to fill your life with fun and excitement. There is a strong tendency to focus on what could happen in the relationship instead of focusing on what is going on presently. The product of relationships becomes more important than the development.
To change the outcomes of your relationships you will have to change the expectations you tie to these relationships. The steps to change unhealthy expectations into healthy ones include:
Step 1: Understand your expectations regarding your friends, partner , and relationship.
Step 2: Challenge your unhealthy or unrealistic expectation.
Step 3: Choose alternative ways to meet your needs for security, completeness, and validation.
Step 4: Learn and reinforce healthy expectations.
Step 5: Evaluate your progress and reward your success.
Readings to Consider
Bireda, M. R. (1990). Love Addiction: A guide to emotional independence. New Harbinger Publications.
Halpern, H. M. (1982). How to break your addiction to a person. McGraw Hill.
How do you get over being the Rebound?
Ever been through that? I have.
My experience was a fucken novela. I swear to god. I should write a book when I get older.
The first time you ever ever ever go back on your word .. example "Don't call me again" or something to that in the begining.. the minuteeeeeee you fall for their shit.. is the start of the never ending shit.. why? cuz YOU WENT BACK ON YOUR WORD which only shows.. YOU WILL ALWAYS GO BACK.. I swear to you on everything............... you lost that initial respect. and from there homey.. that person will know.. you don't mean what you say..
of course were all guilty of it.. cuz you think well.. "I'LL LET THIS ONE GO BUT YOU BETTER NOT.. BLAH BLAH BLAH" or maybe they learned their lesson for the next time? WRONG WRONG WRONG. I know it's so fucken easy and tempting cuz you prolly think.. well what if I missed out on something? or whatever. you just gotta hope that if you give that person a 2nd chance.. you will stand your ground and there won't be a next time if all fails.
You know what sucks is when your used for rebound cuz they aren't over their ex.. no matter how many signs and red flags or the most obvious.. you see and read it with your own eyes.... but you think your the main one cuz after all your always with them. In reality you may be filling a void for the one they weren't with any longer..or.. maybe they are going back and forth with their ex, cuz in essence you know deep down if they work it out.. your no longer needed.
Security Blanket is the way I see it when your still a Rebound but now they know you are totally loyal and devoted to them so while they do what they want, confuse..manipulate.. lie, etc your not going anywhere because they got it like that. They will be all sweet and nice when you start to now get it and now treat them like whatever.. but when they feel like whatever with you.. they know your ass ain't going anywhere. They will spend Holidays with you cuz they dont want to be alone. They will have you practically live with them, they will always have you around so your thinking this is serious.. it's really not.
Transition is when they may be getting over their ex.. or simply they are moving on from their past relationship.. your ass ain't going anywhere so fuck it.. they start to get bored or wanna do their own thing ... they don't care anymore really..if they ever really did. Maybe they will say sorry cuz the rare emotion they have to show is guilt.... but your were used....
Your used basically..to boost their ego.. and when you start to get pist and call it off or get mad.. then they magically kiss your ass and BAM your the submissive one again and they are the dominant, they control everything without have to say a word. The mind games are what is the base of everything. The more they show no emotion is when you do more to prove to them you only want them.. when they fucken know it.. and the way to keep your ass thinking they give a fuck.. they "keep their love out of your reach" in addition they make you feel like your the reason you guys can't progress, your the one that "stops them from loving" you. Or your always the reason they fight.. but if you think about it.. you know deep down shit ain't right.. and YOU don't want to get hurt so of course you think you can't take their shit and their lies, cuz you know whats going on! so you complain and talk shit cuz it's true .. or you find or hear something and your like .. you know what.. it's over, or dont call me or whatever.. because you really think your done.. so of course they use it as "your always breaking up with me "or "your always wanting to end it.." but like I sayed.. you dont want to get hurt.. so you tell them well.. if you tell them why you do act a certain way cuz you don't believe them they tell you "it's in your head" it's the classic case of denying cuz they know you are right.
they have no fucken intentions to be serious with you and if they do it's cuz their ex moved on hun.......... trust me lol I know. it's when their ex wants them back is when they treat you like shit cuz fuck it.. your no longer needed.
And when they magically realize they do want to be with you, when a couple weeks prior they told you they didn't want to be with you in a relationship, that they're not into you as your into them, that your just dating..
So all of a sudden your like wtf? your confused! and when you ask why all of a sudden? they give you just enough of a semi reason.. but when your like nope! then they want you back or want to work it out? but it's cuz either the person they are not over really hurt them so they SETTLE .. SETTLE.. SETTLE.. for you. nothing will change if you get with them.. it prolly will be worse till they pick a fight to break it off for some reason.........................
then you really see you Never mattered is when you know you were there for them, spoil the shit out of them, treated, showed and sayed over and over.. but they go back to their ex or move on like a month later without no shame, no "sorry" .. and your like wtf? that is the worse.. secretly your waiting for the typical drama of you guys acting like it's over till they hit you up like nothing happened and it's always the same shit.. but this time.. it is over.. they aren't calling or texting or emailing..
then .. your trying to get over them but you can't stop crying, all you can think about is them..it's all you talk about to your friends, you analyze.. of what you could have done.. what you could have changed... you attempt to send emails for stupid shit to get their attention and even though you know it's not healthy.. you still want that attention i guess and you feel completely low when they don't email back or if they do it's very short and condescending. very fake. Months and Months seems like you will never ever get over them.. ever. you wish, pray and hope you will. .. but you know for a fucken fact.. their ass is NOT feeling the same.. cuz they just didn't feel the same. your rebound time is up.
I hear alot of songs about karma.. the ones who want you back.. and you hear the ones where they do but now they dont want them back..
you never really hear the ones where they dont even care enough to have the shame to come back to you.. even when you know in their mind you were a tool, a puppet.. they just can not develope those feelings for you or see you as someone who is probably the best fucken thing that ever happend to them.. what boggles the mind is they desire the one who hurt them, the one who has done the most scanless things to them perhaps.. shit they wouldnt put up if you did! that is something I think about like wtf is that! -
but then if you think about it.. you put up with this persons shit .. so even when it wasnt to an extent.. you still allowed done to you by them.
what's crazy is you are the opposite of how their ex treated them.. so who wins.. good or bad?
In today's society.. bad is the most they will settle for.. the lucky thing for you .. even when you wanted them so bad regardless of all the bullshit you settled for.. you will understand you won't settle for the drama. cuz thats what you gotta be if you want someone to commit to you.
I think as a society, all the drama shows, etc. we put into kids and people's heads that relationships are only "real" if there is drama.. as if you have to have drama cuz that what "true love is" when it's really not.
I know some rare couples who don't have that fucken drama. It's not the norm but it's rare .. it shows you that is possible..
and why is it so many games????????????????????? what happened to both people actually likening eachother? genuinely ? where they love spending time with eachother.. where they want to make eachother happy.. no drama.. no fights.. no hurting eachother, open communication and trusts..
I guess because of how we see our parents or family relationships.. where do you see happily married couples? where do you see the honor and well being of eachothers relationships? it's always like I have expressed above.. one playing the other for either their past relationships or.. shit that has happened to them when they were younger.. it's the cycle .. it's a pattern.. it's "playing them before they play you" or it's not cool to be happy in a stable relationship.. what would everyone think? god forbid you have a genuine heart.........
Don't get me wrong.. not every relationship is going to work out.. even the ones who are happy.. people grow, they change and not sure what they want.. it's about how you go about it..
Past experience some of us have where you gave your all.. but you end up feeling used, feeling like you never mattered.. it sucks.. especially the cases where they went back to her ex..it sucks when you don't want to know what they are doing or going.. you end up hearing from mutal friends or something.. Best thing to do is distance yourself for a bit or let them know you don't want to know. I guess no matter how perfect you could have been..who cared? and what can you do if that person didn't treat you as good as they treated their ex.. but i guess you don't get what you give nor what you deserve.
in one of my experiences 1 of my oldest friends.. really only actual true friend I may have.. couldn't believe the bullshit I put up with.. even though she told me constantly what was really going on.. I ignored it. time after time after time, every fucken day was some drama.. I lost alot of weight at one point from all the anxiety.
and people who are in my life now.. can not fathem the idea of me being sweet and can totally treeat someone like a god and do anything for them, I don't mean like the person I am now I'm saying when I'm with someone which is RARE... I am submissive.. I just want to take care of someone in every way possible. I don't ask what they are doing.. who are they with.. why this or that.. I think I give to much and maybe they don't know how to deal with that? maybe they aren't used to it. maybe I personally go after the ones who are emotionally unavailable but so naive cuz in the begining of course they are on my jock.. I have always sayed "The chase is better than the kill".. someone recently told me .. I act hard.. like I wont take shit or I would be like whatever and cold.. but that in my eyes shows I am genuine and have a great heart.. sure he's right.. but i told him .. then why do I end up with the ones who are emotionally unavailable .. the ones who are not worthy worth a penny for the love I give.. and he sayed something that clicked ... "Because they are interested in you as someone who is hard and a challenge.. so when you let your guard down and become something they dont expect.. they loose interest".
So now I'm like.. okay???????? obviously I'm very respectful of myself, I find people can see that and see me as a challenge, i get that shit alot. so I don;t know who is genuinely into me..
BUT now.. I can't trust my own judgment until I really search in myself.. why the hell do I choose these types?
There are some girls right now who seem to be really interested in me, but even after I told them I am not interested they still pursue and try. You hear the stories where a girl and guy for instance.. the dude is totally seeking the girl but she wants nothing to ever do with him, but he doesn't give up and she gives in and thats probably her soul mate or something..
The other side that I see from that is .. If I'm telling them I have no interest, I don't reply back to them for days.. I don't answer messages or whatever.. and they keep hitting me up over and over.. that kinda makes me think.. they either like being turned down and like to be rejected. I'm not leading them on cuz I tell them when their messages gets to fucken cheesy. I hate that shit. Stars, moons, beautiful roses, blah blah blah. If it was coming from someone I was with .. then cool but if not.. save the lines for your nose.
I give excellent advice.. I get shit.. but of course... when your in it.. you don't see the signs.. you are so confused.. so when people tell me their troubles It's totally obvious to me.. I didn't practice what I preached before .. but I do now. I am guarded like a motha fucka. and I HATE when people say "oh you shouldn't be so guarded" first of all "shouldn't" isn't a word you should tell anyone.. key to someone being defensive. or love this, fate this, keep trying.. cant keep shutting people out or "not everyone is the same".. BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. duh foo I know that shit.
People ask me why I don't go out there and date.. I won't. I'm not ready.. and I would never do what she did to me.. Im not completely over her.. so why date someone when I'm not give someone a fair chance? It's not in my being to play someone or have someone around as a rebound.. My mind doesn't work like that, I don't play games...
Getting over someone .. it's a process that kills and you think you could never get over.. I researched, read other similar shit people went through.. I think about actors and high profile people that the media exploits so much.. they got through it.. they found someone else..they moved on and I guess the lucky ones go from a bad experience to someone new who they are totally happy with
I'm sure they thought they would never find someone, or be with someone who actually loves and cares for them.
I've been told YOU WILL GET OVER IT .. You will it MAY NOT SEEM LIKE IT NOW.. but you will. I get so frustrated with myself of all the time , everyday, for months of crying, being totally devastated, feeling mad, angry, sad, depressed. Waiting for the day you can shake your head in the future hopefully in the near future like.. damn.. you spent so much energy when they weren't worth it.. time wasted.. all the time you isolated yourself, shit you missed cuz you didn't want to see them around .. or just plainly felt all this for nothing? when you know deep down they ain't feeling nearly a fucken mili-second of the same.. nor worried how your doing, though they already know well enough how they affect you. so you can choose to be like this or you can move on. It's not teaching them a lesson or letting them know what your going through so they can see how much they ment to you.. but for what? Like I've sayed.. they already have always known cuz they used it to their advantage every time. It's like the more you share with them what would kill or hurt you the most.. the more they do it to you! Why hurt someone over and over fuck with their head? wtf is that? sick validation of some sort.
You have to come to the point where you can finally say.. "I can choose to be stuck .. or I can move the fuck on and forward". Majority of the time you will realize that you can use the same energy you put into them and transfer it into your own life, your own progression.
what would you tell yourself if you were someone on the outside looking in? like everyone else has already told you the reality over and over.. but now you start to take ways of realizing and understanding into your own hands.
one way is you can compare the good and bad of what your situation with that person is.. if the cons out weigh the pros.. then I guess that is the answer.. it's a matter of not making excuses like we all do.. we only seem to see the things we miss about them then all the bad times that obviously dominated.
It's hard not to think of holidays, events or times you had with them.
I really dislike the way people put a time frame.. not only on your hurt or time when it's finally for you to move the fuck on.. but when others say "you weren't together that long to feel that bad" it's like wtf? is there a quota? a time frame to where your feelings will be validated or REAL? Just like death, everyone deals with it at their own pace.. you can do what I do.. you can't speed it up, ignore it.. go date someone else to so you won't be lonely (thats probably what the person who hurt you did with you!) .. There is no short fix.. so you can get drunk, deny it.. sleep with all these people. but you know deep down it's only a quick fix.. I recommend going through the emotions, don't give yourself a dead line. Everyone is different!
and if you hear that they are back with their ex or have moved on to someone.. it's hard not to feel like shit or you weren't enough. What I am learning is fuck it.. not my problem anymore, not my stress. and karma my dear. is a mofo!
I would always attempt to write out what was going on but couldn't get farther then a couple lines, I would get frustrated and throw the paper away. I got some journal notebooks, I've always been one to write down everything I did, went everyday in my calender.. I haven't in a while.. so since April.. right after it was done for good.. I mean after all the shit I put up with and I take responsibility for my part.. I wanted to write everything I felt, every night. I wanted to document this. So I can look back and see the progress.. my life is already a novela so it's filled with alot.
I have gone through 2 journals.. I look forward to writing in it every night.. it's where I can vent.. I don't write journal on blogs because in my journal no one can hack into my computer.. it's my thoughts, it's my alone time, it's my healing in a sense. There are times where I don't want to write in it, But those I feel are the times I should be writing in it to write out why I don't want to if that makes sense.
So many people especially girls always tell me how they admire me or I give them inspiration and inspiration by my blogs. I don't mind sharing cuz I want people to relate. I want to give information and advice that I wish I had. Maybe they see me as someone strong so to know that I am not perfect and I'm not the smartest one when it comes to relationships.. they can relate.
Ever since I was younger I would get a piece of paper.. draw a line in the middle.. write the month, day, year and time.. what is going on now.. like key points.. then on the other side date it 6 months from that date.. and basically have follow up questions or if new things are in place.. so like i would write "am i over them?" "am i dating anyone" "did I pick up some new clients", etc.. I haven't done that in a hot minute. I did recently.. the 6 month mark is approaching in October.. as much as things change in my life daily.. seems like it's not.. and things are going slow.
I am defenitly about 98% over the person I'm currently getting over.. at least I am most of that percentage most of the time lol? . I'm not where I want to be with this yet.. but I am sure not where I use to be! So I guess it does get better and I will get over it.
Hating them for hurting you or whatever isn't gonna solve anything.. sure it's easy for you to use that emotion! trust me! but why invest that much emotion when they are doin investing anything with you? I heard this quote before "Hating someone is like drinking a glass of poison and hoping they get hurt"... doesn't work right?..
The opposite of love my dear isn't hate.. it's INDIFFERENCE.. not the fake shit like OH I DONT GIVE A FUCK.. it's.. hmm no more lil hints and flirts to get their attention that you dont give a fuck. Showing you really don't give a fuck without having to try will in most cases stun them! Kill the with kindness my peeps!
When your at a certain place with this.. try to look back and imagine you in thier shoes.. Most of the time they probably didn't know what they wanted. I'm not defending them by any means trust me! , If they were with someone for years.. they shared alot and if you never been through that so of course it can be hard. You can try to understand and it's normal to not know what pain and hurt they went through. Maybe they didn't mean or realize with a good intention of what they were doing.. They could have been confused and having contact with their ex they probably wanted to make it work.. and could have had some feelings and good intentions with you.. but didn't want to get hurt even though they knew you were SAFE.. but you never know. Regardless of what you were, and it hurts to hear how they treat their ex or someone else better then you..
and if their their ex or someone new is the one they chooses to do so with then so be it.
It can confuse you if they would never open up. .. before you judge you can try to understand what they went through .. maybe it just wasn't your time.. and you moved to fast but to think and stress of the would have's, could have's. over analyzing
the way someone is with a friend is a whole different mind state when your in a relationship, feelings and maybe past experiences of family or past relationships come into play where in a way a negative side comes out. You may think you were perdect but in realy no one is ever really an angel, .
I know the hurt that when you give your all and was good to them, but if they wanted someone who wasn't. but who am I to say the one they want isn't good for them? people love who they love regardless of their flaws or traits.. so you can't dictate or tell them how they should feel for who! it is what it is.. we may not understand why people do things.. but it's not up to me to judge.
When you hear they got back with their ex or someone new.. when your at a peacefull place you can try to be happy for them, of course it will hurt like hell!, and it stung for a bit but for sometime and you will feel stupid... but it will like a weight lifted.
You can't make everyone happy and everyone can't make you happy. people come in your life for a reason. "You learn more from your mistakes then your victories".
For a while I had myself to put little sayings on my background on my phone so whenever I looked at it.. It would remind me not to cry.. and I don't mean just cry I mean the pain and emotion of when your crying and you take a breath and that pain comes up your throat you get this strong pain in your stomach.. feels like it's in your soul .. where you feel helpess, you feel alone and you feel in a way abondand? it's that heartbreak cry.. different from a familys death, a sad movie or a pet dying.
I know I was in the stages of moving on when I didn't cry.. I could listen to some songs, or watch movies or t.v shows we always watched. I don't want to email if I see something that reminded me of ..it crosses my mind, alot of things remind me . Now.. I feel like that dark shadow of being so hurt by everything .. where feels like I'm chained to not being enough and still have intense feelings .. IS almost gone. I'm still really cool with the family and friends, I love and adore them, good people.. . But I had to distance myself for a bit.. and now it's cool, I have gotten nervous as fuck the couple times I thought I would run into my ex at stuff so far I haven't. I dont want the feelings to go back if I see. took me a while to just not get all sad when I would see pictures But the universe has already shown me .. it was an experience and a lesson.. as I'm sure I was too! and we aren't on the same path for eachothers life.
I made a previous blog about songs and videos that helped me. and another one of the definition of rebound.
So now...
My Trust. & My Heart.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Carmen Electra put me on Bed Rest! -UPDATE-
I am a bit more mobile.. I don't have excruciating pain in my lower back right side/pelvis/hip bone pain anymore really. I can kind of bend but I'm still cautious when I have to pick up something. If I stand or walk around longer then around 5 minutes my ankle and knee start throbbing, like right now. I tried to do laundry and didnt have much help.. but I didn't want to wait so I carried the basket back and forth.. blah blah blah. I haven't been wearing the back brace as I should. but I will. The muscle relaxer that was given isn't really helping. Im gonna get stronger ones asap!. I can feel the bone/muscle strained .. feels like my ass bone hurts the most!
I try to ice it because I guess heat does something to the joint, even though I think it makes a difference then iceing.. but it is what it is..
I'm on bed rest for 4 to 6 weeks so hopefully I just keep taking care of it!. I have been listing to alot of mariachi, low tempo soul shit cuz if I put on my Salsa, and merengue or "club" type shit I'm gonna want to dance!
Anywho thats my update for those who were asking.. and thankyou but no thank yuo, I don't need "chicken soup" lol. very sweet though but I don't have the flu nor do I eat chicken. but if you wanna bring some soy pozole handle that scandle! =)
I will however be making a blog on my favorite blog page of Excercise dvd's that I have used for years and made a huge difference! http://lbeatzfavs.blogspot.com. I will update this when it is up!
Original Post
Carmen Electra put me on Bed Rest!
Ok so no not really but shit I wouldn't mind! lol.
I really like Exercise DVD's, I'm not really a fan of Gyms.. so for me it's the next best thing to running/walking around. So I have Dvd's from Salsa, Kick Boxing, Belly Dancing etc.. Kathy Smith is my personal trainer it seems like cuz she has the most illest dvd's
back to Carmen.. she has this Aerobic Strip Tease Dvd set. It's not what you think like it's all slutty or stripper status.. it's very cute and gives you a work out. I remember I did one of her first Dvd's and I couldnt walk for a week .. I was so sore!
She recently came out with "Vegas StripTease". It's a full on routine.. lots and lots of dips, lounges, hip shaking, poping, bending, really cute burlesque type.. It makes you sweat like a mofo.. excellent routine.. my ass and thighs shaping very nice!.. So I didn't stretch like I should have and did the shit everyday for a couple weeks. I noticed some back in like in my lower back where my spine and pelvis connect.. It was hard for me to bend and what not.
So over a week ago I was in traning for a new job-merchandise distribution for Psycho Realm, etc.. It's alot of driving... lots and lots, picking up stuff, dropping off, bending, etc.. Just driving my right ankle was hurting me .. even the drive to the office was killing me imagine all day? plus sitting in a car, all the bending, etc..
on a Friday the last day I tried to pick up a box and help getting orders together. That fucked me up. I went home and by the time I woke up Saturday I couldn't move my right hip/pelvis bone to my ankle, the pain was unbearable.. It was to much for me to even switch to lay on my left side.. couldn't get up without the horrible shooting pain up and down my side. I called my mom and we went to urgent care. X-rays showed I had irratation and was swollen in my joints. I swore I thought I popped my hip bone out of socket or something.
The doctor put me on 4 to 6 weeks bed rest, no walking longer than 5 minutes, no bending, lifting and a back brace etc..
Bending to sit isn't as bad now, it's been over a week. I do feel a little better, just icing and taken meds, getting rest and shit.
I'm not comftorable to really walk long periods or bend yet.. I will do the dvd again, not soon but I want to, I miss dancing and wearing my stilettos! But it's true.. no matter how much money you got or whatever.. If you don't got your health.. your fucked.
I will take stretching more serious.
I'm not sure if I want to continue with the training and do the Job.. not anytime soon at least.
I'm always on the computer .. I work from home anyway.. I just get a little cramped sitting at the computer for a while.
So thats my story
Carmen Electra Strip Tease website
My new blog page- L-Beatz Favorites! INFO
So I decided to make another blog spot page just for such..
I want to showcase things I think are pretty dope, I love and can't live without. Various music, people, books that I think need some attention.
Who knows.. They may become a favorite of yours to!
Click here for My Favorites
various songs/lyrics describe my pain of an ex...
Sin Tantita Pena.. This is exactly what I feel right now.
-Basically this song is about how the girl he loved left him without shame, compassion, no 2nd thoughts.. for a new love.. loosely translated in some of his versus is "You left me here, without looking back, left me dying without caring.. BUT perhaps she will suffer the same pain.. and he will be there to see her cry without having any shame.. something like that
Something you should know about Sin Tantita Pena Lyrics
Title: Alejandro Fernandez - Sin Tantita Pena lyrics
Artist: Alejandro Fernandez Lyrics
Lloro noches sin estrellas
Noches sin ti
Lloro noches completitas
Lloro lagrimas de amor
Me has dejado sin mirar atras
Asi, sin compasion
Asi, asi sin tantita pena
Llevas en la boca tuya
Todo de mi
Llevo huella de tus besos
de la piel al corazon
Me abandonas a mi suerte tu
Asi, sin compasion
Asi, sin tantita pena
Me dejas morir,
me dejas aqui
Sin tantita pena
La vida te di
y dejas que yo me muera
sin tantita pena
Asi, asi, asi sin tantita pena
Y vas a sufrir quiza por la misma pena
y voy a verte llorar
asi, asi , asi, con la misma pena
y voy a verte llorar sin tantita pena
Dices que tus corazones
te haran feliz
Dices que yo soy poquito
que mejor amor que yo
Me abandonas a mi suerte tu
asi, sin compasion
asi, asi sin tantita pena
Lloro noches sin estrellas
Noche sin ti, sin amor
Lloro noches completitas
Asi, asi, asi, sin amor
Lloro noches completitas
Noches sin ti
Lloro noches sin estrellas
Noches sin ti
Y voy a verte llorar
Asi, asi,asi con la misma pena
Y voy a verte lloror
Sin tantita pena
1. El Rollito - Alicia Villarreal.
Basically the song is about Alicia telling him ..She loved him sincerely regardless of the ones who made fun of them together, She gave him all she could without him giving the same. She's done talking shit about him, She's letting go.. He can do whatever he wants with his love & friendship..She doesn't deserve his kisses.. She desevers better! "Yo No Merezco tus besos.. Yo Merezco Algo Mejor!
-VOY A OLVIDARTE- Alicia Villarreal
THIS SONG IS THE SHIT! Basically she's going to forget she loves/d him, she is going to be happy, and he will realize he will remember her, miss her kisses, affection, and if he returns it will be to late.
Voy a dedicarme a olvidar
voy a arrancarte de mi
voy a olvidar que te quiero
cuando yo te amaba todo todo te lo daba
te entregaba mi ilusion y mis sueños
pero tu te fuiste y nunca nunca me quisiste
y hoy me tengo que aguantar con mi suerte
voy a dedicarme a olvidar
voy a arrancarte de mi
voy a olvidar que te quiero
vas a comprender que al final
el que mas pierde eres tu
y vas a extrañar mis besos
y otro amor va a ocupar tu lugar
voy a olvidarte y veras que al final
volvere a ser feliz
voy a arrancar de mi pecho
lo que un dia sentia por ti
vas a extrañarme, vas a recordarme
y si quieres volver, va a ser muy tarde
pues voy a olvidarte
y no hay nada que hacer
cuando yo te amaba todo todo te lo daba
te entregaba mi ilusion y mis sueños
pero tu te fuiste y nunca nunca me quisiste
y hoy me tengo que aguantar con mi suerte
voy a dedicarme a olvidar
voy a arrancarte de mi
voy a olvidar que te quiero
vas a comprender que al final
el que mas pierde eres tu
y vas a extrañar mis besosy otro amor
va a ocupar tu lugar
voy a olvidarte y veras que al final
volvere a ser feliz
voy a arrancar de mi pecho lo que un
dia sentia por ti
vas a extrañarme, vas a recordarme
y si quieres volver, va a ser muy tarde
pues voy a olvidarte
y no hay nada que hacer
voy a olvidarte y veras que al final
volvere a ser feliz
voy a arrancar de mi pecho lo que un
dia sentia por ti
vas a extrañarme, vas a recordarme
y si quieres volver, va a ser muy tarde
pues voy a olvidarte
y no hay nada que hacer
2.Las Cuentas Claras-Alicia Villarreal
This one I really like.
She starts off saying how he wants to "charge" her for what he lost and suffered cuz of her! so she says what fault is it of hers that he didnt like the way she loved him? Especially if he never told her.. But if they total everything.. at the end when He will be the one oweing her!
3.Fugees - Manifest lyrics
You see I loved hard once, but the love wasn’t returned
I found out the man I’d die for, he wasn’t even concerned
And time it turned,
He tried to burn me like a perm
Though my eyes saw the deception, my heart wouldn’t let me learn
From um, some, dumb woman, was i,
And everytime he’d lie, he would cry and inside I’d die.
My heart must have died a thousand deaths
Compared myself to toni braxton thought I’d never catch my breath
Nothing left, he stole the heart beating from my chest
I tried to call the cops, that type of thief you can’t arrest
Pain suppressed, will lead to cardiac arrest
Diamonds deserve diamonds, but he convinced me I was worth less
When my peoples would protest,
I told them mind their business, cause my s*** was complex
More than just the sex
I was blessed, but couldn’t feel it like when I was caressed
I’d spend nights clutching my breasts overwhelmed by god’s test
I was god’s best contemplating death with a gillette
But no man is ever worth the paradise manifest
-Immortal Technique "CRIMES OF THE HEART"
ove doesn't need a complicated metaphor
And sometimes, nothing even needs to be said at all
Sometimes the person you with is not your one and only
And you just fuck with them 'cause you afraid to be lonely
And when you come back, it's too late
So you overcompensate like victims of rape for the self hate
Lost in the affection of strangers arround you
Instead of the lonely person who ever gave a fuck about you
Thought you were happy, so you didn't come check me
But then when he cheated or treated you incorrectly
You conviniently realised that you could never forget me
And tried to crawl back in my life, unexpectedly
These are my indictments of those who claim to be righteous
And leave a trail of broken hearts on they way to enlightment
But I can't give in to hatred and pass judgement
Even towards every illusion I've been in love with
Cause the heart that betrays itself willingly
Is like a nation that trades freedom for stability
It's so seductive to be cold and corrupted
And isolated, trying to be an independent republic
But liberty, to be loved on the surface is worthless
The sacrafice of revolution with no purpose
Take it from a criminal searching for his redemption
Cursing the god, desperately trying to get his attention
"Bruised But Not Broken"
Been alot that I've been through
I cried a tear a time or two
Baby, you know I cried some over you, yeah
Had my heart kicked to the ground
Love ripped me up and tore me down, baby
But that ain't enough to break me
Cuz I'll rise above it
And I'll pick myself up
And I'll dust the pain off my heart
And I'll be alright
And I'll love again
And the wounds will mend
I'm bruised but not broken
And the pain will fade
I'll get back on my feet
It's not the end of me
My heart is still open
I'm bruised but not broken
Been alot of tears stained nights
I thought the tears were here for life, baby
The hurt came on and held on tight, yeah
Took a chance, I took a fall
Love broke my heart and shattered all my dreams
But I won't be down on my knees
Cuz I'll rise above it
And I'll pick myself up
And I'll shake the rain out of my heart
And I'll be alright
And I'll love again
And the wounds will mend
I'm bruised but not broken
And the pain will fade
I'll get back on my feet
It's not the end of me
My heart is still open
I'm bruised but not broken
Gonna pick my heart up
Take my life back
Shake the hurt away
Pull myself together, put the pieces back in place
I learned love's so hard
Love left my soul scarred
I was shattered inside
And I'll be alright
And I'll love again
And the wounds will mend
I'm bruised but not broken
And the pain will fade
I'll get back on my feet
It's not the end of me
My heart is still open
I'm bruised but not broken
Christina Aguilera Feat. Alicia Keys- Impossible
Something you should know about Impossible Lyrics
Title: Christina Aguilera - Impossible lyrics
It's impossible
It's impossible to love you
If you don't let me know what you're feeling
It's impossible for me to give you what you need
If you're always hidin' from me
I don't know what hurt you
I just, I wanna make it right
Cos boy I'm sick and tired of trying to read your mind
It's impossible (impossible)
Oh baby it's impossible for me to love you
It's the way it is
It's impossible (impossible)
Oh baby it's impossible
If you makin' it this way
Impossible to make it easy
If you always tryin' to make it so damn hard
How can I, how can I give you all my love, baby
If you're always, always puttin' up your guard
This is not a circus
Don't you play me for a clown
How long can emotions keep on goin' up and down
It's impossible (impossible)
Oh baby it's impossible for me to love you
It's the way it is
It's impossible (impossible)
Oh baby it's impossible
If you keep treating me this way
Over, over (over and over)
Impossible baby (impossible, impossible)
If you makin' it this way, this way
Oh baby, it's impossible
If you makin' it this way
Basically SI UNA VEZ is if one time I told you I loved you.. I regret it.. I dont know what I was thinking I was crazy.
L to the o to the v to the e, love!
Is the word that i'm thinking of
Sometimes i sit back and try to figure it out
How it can break the strongest man down
To his very last compound
I took a fall 'cause i went out for the love
That i shared with a woman who didn't care
I tried to give her my all and change my shit up
But she didn't give a fuck about that when she decided to get up
Fuck all the good time, just remember the bad
Fuck me and fuck all the love we used to have
Chillin' at the clubs, your friends and my friends
Hangin' out all night, driving around in the benz
Fuckin' off all my ends but i can't pretend
Not fell the pain inside, suicide crossed my mind
Every time i heard your name
But i got strong and realized it's all about the game
Now you're all just the same
Chorus: [all]
L to the o to the v to the e, love!
L to the o to the v to the e
L to the o to the v to the e, love!
L to the o to the v to the e
Fuck love, i just can't get enough of your freaky ass baby
Sexy mothafucka, when you walk by and i wanna go for a ride
You hit like drugs, or red wine i'm blind
Drivin' through your world sky high
Flyin' through your town like wind sex triangle
Circels of his begin, spinnin' i'm happy grinnin'
Sufferin' over pussy i'm fuckin'
He's stuck like a truck and i'm like you
Scandalous slut what's up
Where's your man probably with the puta that says she loves me
My heart grows cold and hard as stone
Time goes by and the last laugh is mine
take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you
gave me was pretend
so now
Take a bow
The flowers are all faded now
Along with your letters
They will never
see the light of day
Cause I'll never take them out
and there's no turning back
it's for the better
baby I deserve
more than empty words and promises
I believed every thing you said
And I gave you the best I had
[ Chorus: ]
So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love.
All you gave me was pretend
so now
Take a bow
[ Verse 2: ]
The future's about to change
Before you know it
the curtain closes
Take a look around
There's no one in the crowd
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/Pe ]
I'm throwing away the pain
And you should know that
your performance
it Made me stronger now
[ Chorus: ]
So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love.
All you gave me was pretend
so now
take a bow
[ Hook: ]
Well it must have been sleight hand
Cause I still can't understand
how I could never see
Just what a fool believed
but the lies they start to show
tell me how it feels to know right now
that I wont be around
so baby before I put you out
[ Chorus: x2 ]
take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part
and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
Cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you
gave me was pretend
so now
Take a bow
It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be OK
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you meant everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be OK
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll be fine without you
Yes I will
[Chorus: X2]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Tú me pides que te deje ahora , ahora Ahora cuando más te necesito Tú me dices que este amor se fue al
olvido ahora Ahora cuando yo ya no te olvido Tú me pides que seamos solo buenos amigos Y a mí no me
interesa ser tu amigo Tú me dices que este amor te sabe a malo Que malo que dices eso, pero que bueno que
se acabó Mala gente , te burlaste de mis sentimientos y ahora te lamentas Mala gente, vas a pagarla caro
porque a mí tú ya no me interesas Mala gente, porque tu eres una mentirosa y una mala gente ¡Y en el
infierno enterita enterita te vas a quemar! Tú me pides que regrese ahora, ahora Y ahora es a mí a quien
lo le importas Tú me pides que seamos más que amigos, amigos Y amigos para que si no hay cariño Hoy por
fin me he dado cuenta de tu engaño De tu mala calaña y tanto mal que me hiciste tú Mala gente , te
burlaste de mis sentimientos y ahora te lamentas Mala gente, vas a pagarla caro porque a mí tú ya no me
interesas Mala gente, porque tu eres una mentirosa y una mala gente ¡Y en el infierno enterita enterita
te vas a quemar!
Ayer me dijiste que tú me querías Pero todo fue mentira Ayer me dijiste que tí me querías Pero todo fue
mentira Ayer tú heriste la vida mía Y que grande fue la herida Ayer tú heriste la vida mía Y que grande
fue la herida Si tú no me quieres dime lo que sientes Pero dímelo de frente Si tú no me quieres dime lo
que sientes Pero dímelo de frente Que a mí lo que me da rabia es eso De no saber lo que sientes Que a mí
lo que me da rabia es eso De no saber lo que sientes Coro: Y si tú me pagas con eso Yo ya no te doy más
de esto amor Y si tu me pagas con eso Yo ya no te doy más de esto amor Ayer me dijiste que tu volverias
Pero todo fue mentira Ayer me dijiste que tu volverías Pero todo fue mentira Ayer tú dijiste mil
tonterías Que acabaron con mi vida Ayer tú dijiste mil tonterías Que acabaron con mi vida Y si tú me
pagas con eso Yo ya no te doy más de esto amor Y si tu me pagas con eso Yo ya no te doy más de esto amor
Te di lo que tuve solo por un beso Y no conseguí ni eso Te di lo que tuve solo por un beso Y no conseguí
ni eso Mentira mentira mentira mentira Todo lo tuyo es mentira Mentira mentira mentira mentira Todo lo
tuyo es mentira Y si tú me pagas con eso Yo ya no te doy más de esto amor Y si tú me pagas con eso Yo ya
no te doy más de esto amor
Si nuestor amor se acaba,si nuestro amor termina
ya no me queda nada para vivir la vida
si ya olvidaste todo,tambien tus juramentos
y llenaste de lodo mi mundo de recuerdos
Nomas por tu sobervia no das explicaciones
encima me condenas sin escuchar razones
si terminar ya lo venias pensando
dejame estar contigo aunque no este a tu lado
Si me dejas por favor no me olvides por favor nunca me olvides
tu sabes cuanto te quiero que des siempre te quise
si me dejas no me olvides por favor nunca me olvides
me voy a quitar de en medio que mas quieres que mas pides
Nomas por tu sobervia no das explicaciones
encima me condenas sin escuchar razones
si terminar conmigo ya lo venias pensando
dejame estar contigo aunque no este a tu lado.
Si me dejas no me olvides por favor nunca me olvides
tu sabes cuanto te quiero que des siemre te quise
si me dejas no me olvides por favor nunca me olvides
me voy a quitar de en medio que mas quieres que mas pides.
Ya no me importas
Si vete mucho a donde quieras
con quien quieras como puedas
y si te aguantan por favor quedate ahi
Que a mi lado ni de chiste volveras
ya no quiero ya no puedo ya no debo
estar contigo es mejor asi.
No tu no debes reprocharme
tu ya debes resignarte no me
busque no me llames nunca mas
Ya date cuenta que no debes insistir
porque yo ya estoy perdida para ti
y es mentira lo que sientes es un capricho
lo tuyo no es amor
Ya no me importas no quiero mas de ti
ya estoy cansada no me vuelvas a insistir
ya no te quiero mas, ya no te quiero mas
Ya no me importas ya te eh dejado atras
vete a otra parte aqui solo haces mal
y ya mi corazon no quiero mas,
no quiero mas de ti.
No tu no debes reprocharme
tu ya debes resignarte no me
busque no me llames nunca mas
Ya date cuenta que no debes insistir
porque yo ya estoy perdida para ti
y es mentira lo que sientes es un capricho
lo tuyo no es amor.
Ya no me importas no quiero mas de ti
ya estoy cansada no me vuelvas a insistir
ya no te quiero mas, ya no te quiero mas
Ya no me importas ya te eh dejado atras
vete a otra parte aqui solo haces mal
y ya mi corazon no quiero mas,
no quiero mas de ti.
Me dices que tu ya no me quieres
que el mundo y los plaseres te importan mas que yo
por eso desde hoy mismo te digo
que sigas tu camino que todo termino
prefieres bailar en las cantinas
tomar con tus amigas y ahogar la desepcion
que todas las hembras que te amaron
y luego te dejaron erido el corazon
comprendo no tienes tu la culpa
eso es lo k resulta de la desilucion
fue un hombre kien tu alma no la olvida
kien te arastro en la vida hacia la perdision
perdona que te aya molestado
la voz de un hombre honrado k juro no volver
tus besos y copas he pegado ya todo a terminado no hay nada k perder
comprendo no tienes tu la culpa
eso es lo k resulta de la decilusion
fue un hombre kien tu alma no la olvida kien te arrastro en la vida hacia la perdidion
perdona k te aya molestado lal voz de un hombre honrado k juro no volver
tus besos y copas eh pegado ya todo a terminado no hay nada k perder
Thanks to thudord
I was her Rebound-Definition to prove it.
The definition of what it was exactly.
Defining a Rebound Relationship:
A rebound relationship is one that occurs shortly after the break-up of a significant love relationship. If you are in a relationship but have distanced yourself emotionally from your relationship partner, you may begin a rebound relationship before you even leave the relationship you are in. If you move quickly from a long lasting relationship into another relationship then you are probably in a “rebound relationship."
A rebound relationship is a distraction. It is a connection to another person that keeps us from having to experience the full extent of the emotional pain of our resent break – up. It is a misguided attempt to move on with our lives. Many people will jump back into the dating scene because they fear being alone. It’s a quick fix, one in which we can drown out our pain by reveling in the emotional intensity and passion of a new found love. It can be a a lot more fun that dealing with the misery of a recently broken heart.
This is the biggest problem in a rebound relationship. Usually someone ends up being used and hurt as a result. If you are in a relationship to distract yourself from the pain of a broken heart then you are using another person. More than likely when that person has served their purpose you will move on, leaving them to pick up the pieces. Be honest with your new relationship partner about your intentions.
Being Used by The Rebounder:
If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who has recently broken off a long term relationship, be cautious. Don’t allow your new relationship partner to set the pace. If you do, you will find yourself in the middle of a whirlwind. You don’t want to be left in the dust once he / she decides to move on.
If you are single, out there looking for love and longing for a committed relationship you probably won’t find what you desire from someone on the rebound. If you do become involved with such a person be sure to let the relationship develop slowly and to take care of yourself emotionally.
Emotional Pain Doesn't Kill:
Experiencing and healing the pain of a broken relationship helps us become people who are more compassionate to other people’s pain. Emotional pain won’t kill you; it’s what you will do to avoid that pain that might kill you. Or, at least make you wish you had not moved so swiftly into a new relationship. So, do yourself and any potential new relationship partners a favor and deal with the pain of your old relationship before moving onto another one.